To whom it may concern:
Richard Bagnall worked in the period of January to April 1998 for SMALLWORLD Germany. He formed part of a team I supervised, which converted and localized a large telecoms application to the requirements and needs of the german market. Richards tasks included Magik programming of functionality and user interfaces, creation of UNIX and DOS scripts, conversion resp. creation of styles and icons, and general code-cleanup and bugfixing. Although he turned out to be a sound programmer, who puts exceptional care, 'defensiveness' and readability in his code and comments, his most remarkable strength is his strong visual sense: the icons and bitmaps he designs touch the domain of art. Richard proved not only to be a win for the product, but also for the team itself, by his continuing efforts to integrate, participate, communicate and help, and last but not least by his very british gifts of politeness and humour.
Oliver Schlageter, Professional Services, SMALLWORLD System GmbH, Germany